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Guest Book Listing
Full name Email Message
Robin Donnellyswtangkiss@aol.comI wish you both much happiness in the future!
Charles Leemyosys@hotmail.comMy very best wishes to the couple!
Judith Ehrenshaftjceac@aol.comMAZAL TOV!
amylynne & Alamylynne@yahoo.comBest wishes to the bride and Groom
Julie, Darryl and Brightshannon.julie@earthlink.netAh, Love. So thrilled that you two have found it -- so glad you are committing to it and to each other. May your union be full of joy and all the other things you both desire ;^)*
Holly and Michael Jensenblackest_rose13@hotmail.comWe wish you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations.
Leslie Fuchslesliefuchs@nyc.rr.comEric has been my close friend for over a decade. Since Naomi has come into his life, joy exudes from his face. Hats off and Cheers!
Donna Maria"Under her neck my right hand has served her for a cushion, and to draw her to me I have sent out my left hand, which bore her up as a bed." - The Perfumed Wordsworth
Love, light, and blessings be to you both!
Beth & Owen Goldwynbethnowen@bellsouth.netWishing you both all the happiness you wish for yourselves & more. May you remain in love for a long, long time.
Evelina GanasEvelinagny@yahoo.comWow. I am impressed, what a great web site. What a beautiful idea. What a wonderful occasion! Yigal and I look forward to attending your wedding. Best wishes and lots of love!
Sara Robin Gadlinsarigadlin@yahoo.comHi. Looking forward to the big day! Mazel Tov!!!
Bob & Kimscwooey101@yahoo.comCongrats, you two. Hope there is much happiness in the future for you both. The Web site is a lovely way to share your special day. We enjoyed looking at it.
Ken & Valerie Hartvalglo@rocketmail.comWe wish you a wave of the sea, still, and yet still moving. Playing with delight in the gardens of the gods...
Mark & Lisa Schoenberglisaboop4@aol.comWe hope that your marriage brings you all the love, happiness, beautiful children & joyous electricity that ours has, forever. Mazel Tov. L'Chayim!
Gisela Adisaonegisela@yahoo.comMay the best of your past be the worst of your future... think about it, that's a good thing!
Danielle and Sean Tietjendangadlin1@aol.comCongratulations! We are so happy you found each other. Eric, welcome to the mishpacha!
Nancy C. Resnicknancyresnick4@aol.comI am so honored to be included. May your life together be filled with joy.
Louis & Eric Kleinmanlouiskleinman@yahoo.comWith love from us both.
JEFFREY KORNjeff@summitjet.comMazel Tov to both of you, your family, and friends. May your union bring you joy and happiness unmeasureable. I'm a friend of Jason Trompeter, and I'm testing to see that your wedding is viewable online.
indigogang.wordpress.comwhitneybamford@arcor.deFascinating Diamonds headquartered during New York City, NY is really a best position to get the cheap diamond engagement rings, diamond engagement rings, solitaire and loose diamonds in an affordable price. There's no other on this planet which could come up with a girl happier compared to a shiny diamond ring. This just really implies that diamonds remain andd definately will oten be your and each bride's best friend.
CharlesJentexchowerpcent1982@baweiqq.comHello. And Bye. Buggy g893r3978wu0ed927w3trf38wr973 iphone
QGW46XYEXSP8JAIWXF www.dissaeventaxf3022@bk.ruQGW46XYEXSP8JAIWXF Where are you located ? I want to come to you one of these days

As of Friday, September 20th, 2024 at 9:18 AM, we have been
happily married for 19 years, 30 weeks, 5 days, 1 hours and 47 minutes!

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